Alyssa Spencer Scores the Wave of the Day

Alyssa Spencer Scores the Wave of the Day

Although we talk about perfect surf, it rarely ever happens. This day was firing, but there were a quite a few closeouts rolling through the lineup. At one point, I saw three brand new boards snapped during a two-wave set. Alyssa Spencer was charging into every barrel that came through, but most of them were slamming shut unapologetically. About three hours into the session, a flawless peak started to form out the back and came straight to Alyssa. If I had been arranging the pieces together…a ship out the back, Alyssa’s good friend, Caleb Crozier, on the inside with arms raised, and of course the spitting barrel itself…I couldn’t have. The wave was perfect in every sense of the word, and Alyssa surfed it perfectly.

alyssa spencer pulls into perfect barrel in san diego